Thoughts and review

必娶女人 Marry me, or not? Ep 4

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Okay there’s not much to say about this ep, just that there were a lot of funny scenes. I mean come on, when you start the ep with that scene, you are gonna expect a lot of LOLing throughout the ep. I am glad they finally got the story going. Looking at the direction of the story in today’s ep it kinda made ep 3 pretty redundant. Well story wise anyways, I find the crux of ep 3 was more to establish that CHZ is a vain woman. I have deviated too much already… on with ep4!

I have never noticed the drama’s music till this ep… I especially like these two songs:

  1. 爱接招 by Popu Lady

This was played when they were changing into their bathrobes. AHAHA don’t think pervertly guys , this was the funny scene. The steamy scene follows right after this haha.

2) 兜圈 by Yoga Lin

This is also the ending theme song and was played during the dream sequence (ie the scene at the beginning of this mv) which was so perfect gosh.

There were so many funny scenes in this ep but my favourite is when the characters break the fourth wall and speaks to us directly. I love it when CHZ does it omg haha Her “老娘不玩了!” killed me haha

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“I am not doing this anymore!”

And how can we leave out her mum

How to get rid of the colleague that you hate, as told by CHZ’s mum  (I am sorry it’s all Chinese puns so it wont be as funny if translated into english)

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Step 1: 小雨伞 =人人闪
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Step 2: 小桥=人人瞧
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Step 3: 盐=人人嫌
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Step 4: 手帕=人人怕
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Step 5: 把施咒小人放进冰箱=冻住好运
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Step 6: Laugh Maniacally

Now we all know that CHZ is vain and I get that she still has that logic of wanting to be perfect for her lover, which is probably why she didn’t want HM to send her to her actual home. She doesn’t hate her parents it’s just that it’s the beginning of the relationship and she doesn’t want to ruin her perfect image just yet, I mean her ex fiance has met her parents and everything so I guess it’s only a matter of time. But this doesn’t mean I still forgive her for deceiving, as you all can see nothing good can come out of lying and right now karma is already finding its way back to her. I am just putting up and accepting this attitude of her as part of the flaws that comes with being vain, which I desperately hope she will be able to get rid of after falling in love with HM.

I am not getting HM’s logic of getting CHZ to be his girlfriend. He says it’s to get his mum off his back about getting a girlfriend but his mum also clearly stated that she loathes CHZ. So, how does HM not see that getting CHZ to be his girlfriend would only bring about a bigger problems than the initial problem. Now his mum wont just be pestering him, she would be angrily threatening him to break up with CHZ. So.. how does this solve the problem exactly?



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